Re: Breaking integers into bytes in PL/SQL?

From: Jan-Helge Bergesen <>
Date: 1999/11/18
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hi. wrote:
> I am curious why one desires to send machine dependent
> format.

We need throughput -- continous and large. That's why we're trying to "plug directly" into the DB, and bypass all API's and all that. ( It's a SNP job that pushes data through a FIFO pipe via the filesystem to another process on the same machine ). So it all boils down to speed..

> I once had to deal with such a case downloading
> binary integers from HP3000 to IBM PC. The executable
> had to completely rearrange the four bytes backward
> (so called HIBYTE/LOBYTE) to preserve the data.

Heh, CPU designers/manufacturers rule !

> out and troubleshot....Perhaps a more machine independent
> solution would have been a few minutes slower, but
> much easier to develop and manage...????
> Comments???

If you could live with the performance....

Jan-Helge Bergesen
Received on Thu Nov 18 1999 - 00:00:00 CET

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