(unknown charset) Net8 protocols specification.

From: (unknown charset) Dmitry Talisman <dimat_at_log-on.com>
Date: 1999/11/04
Message-ID: <382164EB.B05DFF13_at_log-on.com>#1/1

I'm searching for NET8 protocols specification. Oracle doesn't want to share this information. I trying to do reverse engineering for TNS data packets that contain SQL commands ..

May be somebody already did that ?
Thank you.

Dmitry Talisman 	    E-mail: dimat_at_log-on.com	 
Software Engineer           Phone: (+972)--3-5763157 
Log-On LTD       	    Fax: (+972)--3-7520794
Received on Thu Nov 04 1999 - 00:00:00 CET

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