From: Morten Andreasen <>
Date: 1999/02/02
Message-ID: <796ri6$7me$>

This error is driving me nuts - any help would be greatly appriciated

Error description

When trying to display a CLOB(Character Large OBject) type field from an ORACLE 8.04 database, through ODBC(Open DataBase Connectivity), in ASP(Active Server Pages). Instead of getting the expected textstring, i get only the first 4 chars, nothing at all or an error depending on which ODBC driver i use.

First of all, an explanation of my set-up. I have defined a connection to my database in Oracle Net8, on top of that i have defineded a ODBC datasource. Using following ODBC drivers:

INTERSOLV 3.11 32-Bit Oracle8
Oracle ODBC driver 8.00.5
Microsoft ODBC for Oracle 2.573.2927

I have istalled Microsoft Data Access Components 2.0 SP2

here is some example of the ADO setups, ASP code i use and corresponding error codes:

Example 1

(based on the assumption that ADO understands a CLOB field as a regualar textfield - the code is copy'ed from microsoft own site, from a page regarding connection to an oracle database)


   <%_at_ Language=VBScript %>
   <title>Oracle Test</title>
     Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     objConn.Open "DSN=oracle_ebmain_extern;uid=eb;pwd=eb;"

     Set objRs = objConn.Execute("SELECT content FROM websider")

     Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=4>"
     Response.Write "<tr>"

     For I = 0 To objRS.Fields.Count - 1
       Response.Write "<td><b>" & objRS(I).Name & "</b></td>"

     Response.Write "</tr>"

     Do While Not objRS.EOF
       Response.Write "<tr>"

       For I = 0 To objRS.Fields.Count - 1
         Response.Write "<td>" & objRS(I) & "</td>"

       Response.Write "</tr>"


     Response.Write "</table>"




Asp page displayes, "nothing" from one record, even though there is plenty of text in it

Asp page displayes, "nothing" from one record, even though there is plenty of text in it

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/blob/test.asp, line 43

Example 2

(based on the assumption that ADO understands a CLOB field as a BLOB and therefor we should use the GetChunk() method - the code is copy'ed from microsoft own site, from a page regarding connection to an oracle database)


Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open "DSN=oracle_ebmain_extern; UID=eb; PWD=eb"

BlockSize = 4096

Query = "SELECT content FROM websider WHERE webkunderid = '96'"

Set oRS = oConn.Execute(Query)
Set Field = oRS("content")
FileLength = Field.ActualSize
NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize
LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize
Response.Write Field.GetChunk(LeftOver)
For intLoop = 1 To NumBlocks
Response.Write Field.GetChunk(BlockSize) Next



Asp page displayes, the first 5 chars of one record, even though there is plenty of text in it

Asp page displayes, the first 5 chars of one record, even though there is plenty of text in it

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/blob/test.asp, line 43

Example 3

(a little off-topic, cause what im trying to do here is to retrieve a BLOB - the code is copy'ed from the microsoft site, only DSN and fieldnames are modyfied)


      'Clear existing HTTP header information.
      Response.Expires = 0
      Response.Buffer = TRUE

      'Set the HTTP header to an image type, if you want to display
      'a jpg you need to use the "image/jpeg" content type.
      Response.ContentType = "image/gif"

      Dim strTemp

      Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     'You need to change this line to reflect your DSN, UID
     'and PWD.
      oConn.Open "DSN=ebexter_m_OraODBC8.05;UID=eb;PWD=eb;"

     'Change this line to use your table that contains a raw or
     'long raw field.  In this case, ID is the primary key of the
     'IMAGE table and IMG is the RAW or LONG RAW data column.
      sSQL = "Select PIC_ID, DATA from PICTURE where PIC_ID = 1000"

      Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      oRS.Source = sSQL
      oRS.ActiveConnection = oConn

     'The cursor type does not seem to matter.  A keyset cursor was used
     'with success for this article; however, you will not be able to
     'scroll with it because the content type of this page is set for


      strtemp = oRS("DATA")

      Set oRS = nothing
      Set oConn = nothing


Response object error 'ASP 0106 : 80020005' Type Mismatch
/blob/test.asp, line 47

An unhandled data type was encountered.

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/blob/test.asp, line 43

error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/blob/test.asp, line 46
Received on Tue Feb 02 1999 - 00:00:00 CET

Original text of this message