Re: Question about licensing for webpage...

From: Babette Turner-Underwood <>
Date: 1998/12/09
Message-ID: <QNBb2.2866$>#1/1

Mike Mountjoy wrote in message
>In the UK Oracle say that if you use a webserver to access database
>content you automatically have to buy a 32 license pack for the
>database server, even if one logon performs all the data access.
>This was for an intranet app, internet would be far more costly I'd


Not quite true.

I contacted Oracle Licensing in Canada about the same thing. There are a few possible scenarios.

  1. known users

you know the number of total users that will ever connect to the database via an intranet or internet. Licensing requires a minimum concurrency level of 40%
(that is 20 known users = 8 licenses)

2) unknown (or unlimited number of) users: then you pay for a pre-determined number of licenses based on the number of CPUs in the database server.

on workgroup server - 20 licenses per CPU on enterprise edition server - 32 license per CPU

So 32 licenses is correct but only in a certain circumstance

Babette Turner-Underwood, TMI Communications (remove appropriate part to e-mail me) Received on Wed Dec 09 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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