Re: ODBC Error on Windows 95 Client

From: Shalabh Bhatnagar <>
Date: 1997/12/24
Message-ID: <>#1/1

E. Blaine wrote:
> I am attempting to set up a Windows 95 client application, that requires
> ODBC to communicate with a remote Oracle 7.3.2 database on a Windows NT 4
> server. I have installed, configured and tested SQL Net v.2 on the clent,
> with positive results. Next, I have installed several different Oracle ODBC
> drivers, set up both "user" and "system" data sources that point to my
> (verified operational) SQL Net alias, but can't seem to get past a system
> error that says " is unable to load the driver". The "possible
> solutions" help button suggests a path problem - to ensure that the
> "orawin95\bin" is in the "path=" statement in the autoexec.bat file. Well,
> it is, along with "orawin95\odbc" (one that I threw in just for S's & G's.
> Anyone have a clue?
Most likely you have mix of all ODBC DLL's, ie various apps load ODBC drivers without checking the version they are about to download. As such one gets odbc dll with old and new version bundled together.

Whenever I face this problem, I reinstall ODBC DLL's from one source (preferably microsoft)

Hope this will help. Received on Wed Dec 24 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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