Re: How to transfer a file via web in OWS?

From: <>
Date: 1997/11/15
Message-ID: <346d2608.2670680_at_199.185.214.13>#1/1

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 12:36:23 +0100, Massimiliano Bellifemine <> wrote:

> I try to use the form multipart-form/data type and the input field of
> type file (in which you may write the filename of the file you want to
> transfer) nut the stored procedure that the form calls doesn't respond
> and I have an OWS-5111 error (no stored procedure match this call with
> the arguments passed).
> Later I try to develop a Java program with the Java Cartridge, but the
> parameter (the file content that is 50Kbyte large) is truncated.
> Has someone resolved this problem?
> Thanks

I recently worked on an application (OWS 2.1) where uploading files was required. Didn't try the Java route for a variety of reasons.

You can use the Netscape input=file extension to upload relatively small files. I used some WRB cartridges that Oracle provides free of charge. If memory serves, you use a replacement cartridge called "OWAREPL" to replace the normal "OWA" cartridge. It contains C code and PL/SQL packages that handle uploading and downloading to and from *the database* (ie. stored as BLOBs) and includes the capacity to do "on the fly" compression either way.

Originally, we worked with the Netscape input=file extension but had problems with two things:

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer doesn't support this extension; you'd have to develop and use an ActiveX plug-in in your site to handle it. Since this site was for the Internet and we couldn't count on Mozilla, I didn't see it as a viable option.
  2. The application had major problems uploading large files - Netscape 3.01 would just barf on them.

Some caveats: OWAREPL irretrievably changes file names to a non-meaningful index, so if maintaining file name is important it presents serious problems. I ended up using it for uploading small image files but went to a more tried/true approach of having the client ftp their files and managing them in the file system through Perl scripts.

If you want more detailed information, please email me directly. (Remove the "snipthisbit" from my address).

  • Rob Cowitz
Received on Sat Nov 15 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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