Re: Finding the 10 smallest values in a column

From: Tim Hall <tim.hall_at_spam.begone>
Date: 1997/11/13
Message-ID: <346ac5ef.278054_at_69.0.9.9>#1/1

On 12 Nov 1997 23:37:05 GMT, (Jeff Brown) wrote:

>How about (I didn't test this, but I've used similar):
>Select VAL
> From TABLE
> Where ROWNUM < 11
> Order by VAL Asc
>If you want values only once, make that "Select Distinct VAL".

Oh No, not again!

Querying by ROWNUM with an order by D*O*E*S N*O*T W*O*R*K!!!

It will select the first 10 rows it finds, and then sort them. To select the 10 smallest values, put the query in a cursor and only fetch the first 10 rows. This is the only way to do it that's guaranteed to work!

Tim Hall, Indus International (was TSW International)

Replace domain name with the domain from the first URL before replying via email! Received on Thu Nov 13 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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