Can I find the value of a bind variable in Oracle?

From: <>
Date: 1997/10/24
Message-ID: <>#1/1


Is there anyway to find out what value a bind variable in Oracle has? I noticed that there are two dynamic performance tables named v_$sql_bind_data and
v_$sql_bind_metadata, but they don't seem to contain some useful information.

Another thing is that these two tables aren't documented in Oracle7 Server Reference manual
(the PDF version for 7.3)

Why I want to know these things is that I have a little SQL-script that lists a specific users active SQL-statements. This works allright, but the problem is that I only see the names of the bind variables in the output I get.

This is the script:

set termout off

To be able to run these things, you first have to do the following:

connect sys/&syspass_at_&database

grant all on v_$session to &user;
grant all on v_$sqltext to &user;

(or just log in as sys or system)


set termout on
set lines 150
set verify off
column username format a10
column program format a40
column osuser format a8
column sid format 9999
column serial# format 9999

accept name prompt 'Enter username [%]: ' default %

select t.sql_text SQL,s.username,s.osuser OSUSER, sid,serial#,program from v$session s, v$sqltext t
where s.sql_address = t.address
and s.sql_hash_value = t.hash_value
and type = 'USER'
and status = 'ACTIVE'
and UPPER(username) like UPPER('&name')
and audsid <> userenv('sessionid')
order by t.address,t.hash_value,piece

set verify on

Can anyone please give me any advice?
(I'm fairly well accuainted ( <-- how do you *spell* this word?) with how
Oracle7 works)

/Mathias Dahl


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