
From: MP <mdpalmer_at_jax.mindspring.com>
Date: 1997/03/31
Message-ID: <5hov5b$hb1_at_camel2.mindspring.com>#1/1

We're having a problem loading very large files into an Oracle v7.3.2 database on an HP-9000 (with 1 Gigabyte of memory). We're doing inserts and updates via embedded SQL in a UNIX C program (we can't do a simple sqlldr routine since certain records need to be updated while others need to be inserted). After the program has run for a while (over 100,000 records) we always get:

ORA-04030 - out of memory when trying to allocate <num> bytes (pga heap, ksm stack).

We've checked the C program, and have no memory leakage in our local calls. Is there leakage in Oracle's insert/update processing? We can see the memory growing as the loading progresses.....as if memory is not being freed properly. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any help or ideas anyone has about this problem would be helpful.

Thanks - Mike Palmer Received on Mon Mar 31 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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