
From: Discart Miguel <discart_at_fpms.fpms.ac.be>
Date: 1997/03/25
Message-ID: <3337EA7F.7F71_at_fpms.fpms.ac.be>#1/1

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Hi to all of you,

I need your help, so here is my problem. On a form application (v4.5), I have a lot of fonction which call cursor to populate fields.

I use these cursors always in a :
END LOOP; The problem is sometimes I got an error ora-01000 (which mean to many cursor open at one time) but that never happen twice the same way. Is the meaning of this error that I don't understand or the use of the DO..LOOP. Anyone got a clue?



Regards, Miguel Discart
Discart Miguel - Centre de Calcul et Traitement de l'Information Faculte Polytechnique de Mons 7000 MONS BELGIUM E-MAIL : discart_at_fpms.ac.be Phone : + 32 65/37-41-01 Home Page : http://www.fpms.ac.be/~discart (under construction)
Received on Tue Mar 25 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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