Re: Emacs and PL/SQL (Oracle)

From: Karel Sprenger <>
Date: 1996/12/13
Message-ID: <58rblb$>

In article <01bbe673$76d0bf00$458309a4_at_wmaby1wi0888>,

   "Niels Koldsø" <> wrote:

>  Does anybody know about a PL/SQL-mode for Emacs?
>  Does anyody beside me feel the need for one?

I didn't find any and Jim Lange's sql-mode.el (although great when working with SQL*Plus and DDL stuff) isn't up to PL/SQL. So I decided to see if I could fix up something starting with ada.el as that's the language PL/SQL is modeled after. The result works for me, but is far from complete. If someone out there is willing to also spend some time on it, we might end up with a good PL/SQL mode.

My current version also supports syntax highlighting with font-lock (I personally load face-lock as well). Here it comes:

;;; Oracle PL/SQL editing support package.

;; Author: Karel Sprenger <>
;; Maintainer: Karel Sprenger <>
;; Created: 13 Nov 1995
;; Version: $Revision: 1.0 $
;; Keywords: PL/SQL major-mode

;; Copyright (C) 1995 Karel Sprenger

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Massachusettes Ave,
;; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; Installation:
;; Add this line in your .emacs:
;; (autoload 'plsql-mode "plsql-mode" "PL/SQL Mode" t)
;; To invoke plsql-mode automatically on .sql files, do this:
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (cons (cons "\\.sql$" 'plsql-mode)
;; To change the default plsql-indent value, and to turn on font-lock-mode,
;; (add-hook 'plsql-mode-hook'(lambda ()

;;				    (progn (setq plsql-indent 3)
;;					   (turn-on-font-lock))))

(provide 'plsql-mode)

(defvar plsql-mode-syntax-table nil
  "Syntax table in use in PL/SQL-mode buffers.")

(if plsql-mode-syntax-table


  (setq plsql-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table)))
  (modify-syntax-entry ?_  "w"     plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;word constituent
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\# "_" 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;symbol 
  (modify-syntax-entry ?$  "_" 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;symbol 
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()"    plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;open-parenthesis
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")("    plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;close-parenthesis
  (modify-syntax-entry ?-  ". 12"  plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;-- starts comment 
to eol
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;c-style comment /*...*/
  (modify-syntax-entry ?*  ". 23"  plsql-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\""    plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;string quote
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\""    plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;string quote
  (modify-syntax-entry ?%  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?+  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?&  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?|  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?<  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?>  "."     plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\] "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?.  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?_at_  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?:  "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\; "." 	   plsql-mode-syntax-table) ;punctuation

(defvar plsql-mode-map nil
  "Keymap used in PL/SQL mode.")

(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))

  (define-key map "\C-m" 	'plsql-newline)
  (define-key map "\C-?" 	'backward-delete-char-untabify)
  (define-key map "\C-i" 	'plsql-tab)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 	'plsql-untab)
  (define-key map "\C-c<" 	'plsql-backward-to-same-indent)
  (define-key map "\C-c>" 	'plsql-forward-to-same-indent)
  (define-key map "\C-ch" 	'plsql-header)
  (define-key map "\C-c(" 	'plsql-paired-parens)
  (define-key map "\C-c-" 	'plsql-inline-comment)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 	'plsql-declare)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-e" 	'plsql-exception)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-ps" 	'plsql-package-spec)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-pb" 	'plsql-package-body)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-pr" 	'plsql-procedure-spec)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 	'plsql-function-spec)
  (define-key map "\C-cb" 	'plsql-subprogram-body)
  (define-key map "\C-cf" 	'plsql-for-loop)
  (define-key map "\C-cl" 	'plsql-loop)
  (define-key map "\C-ci" 	'plsql-if)
  (define-key map "\C-cI" 	'plsql-elsif)
  (define-key map "\C-ce" 	'plsql-else)
  (define-key map "\C-cr" 	'plsql-record)
  (define-key map "\C-ct" 	'plsql-table)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-t" 	'plsql-tabsize)
  (define-key map "\C-cw" 	'plsql-while-loop)
  (define-key map "\C-c\C-w" 	'plsql-when)
  (define-key map "\C-cx" 	'plsql-exit)
  (setq plsql-mode-map map))

(defvar plsql-font-lock-keywords nil
  "Additional expressions to highlight in PL/SQL-Mode.")

(let ((types-1				;SQL
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("char" "character" "date" "dec" "decimal" 
			 "double[ \\n\\t]+precision" "float" "int" "integer" 
			 "long" "mlslabel" "number" "raw" "real" "rowid" 
			 "smallint" "varchar" "varchar2")
      (types-2				;PL/SQL
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("binary_integer" "boolean" "cursor")
      (types-3				;PL/SQL Column and Record Type 
            (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("%type" "%rowtype")
      (functions-1			;Single Row Number Functions
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("abs" "ceil" "cos" "cosh" "exp" "floor" "ln" "log" 
"mod" "power"
			 "round" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "sqrt" "tan" "tanh" 
      (functions-2			;Single Row Character Functions 
Returning Char
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("chr" "concat" "initcap" "lower" "lpad" "ltrim" 
			 "nls_lower" "nls_upper" "replace" "rpad" "rtrim" 
			 "substr" "substrb" "translate" "upper")
      (functions-3			;Single Row Character Functions 
Returning Number
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("ascii" "instr" "instrb" "length" "lengthb" 
      (functions-4			;Single Row Date Functions
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("add_months" "last_day" "months_between" "new_time" 
      (functions-5			;Other Single Row Functions (no parens 
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("currval" "nextval" "sqlcode" "sqlerrm" "sysdate" 
"uid" "user")
      (functions-6			;Single Row Conversion Functions
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("chartorowid" "convert" "hextoraw" "rawtohex" 
			 "to_char" "to_date" "to_label" "to_multi_byte" 
      (functions-7			;Other Single Row Functions (parens 
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("decode" "dump" "greatest" "greatest_lb" "least" 
			 "nvl" "userenv" "vsize")
      (functions-8			;Group Functions
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("avg" "count" "glb" "lub" "max" "min" "stddev" "sum" 
      (functions-9			;PL/SQL Pragma Clause and Function
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("exception_init" "raise_application_error")
      (cmndwords-1			;These words start SQL commands
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("alter" "analyze" "audit" "comment" "commit" "create" 
			 "drop" "explain\\([ \\t]+plan\\)?" "grant" "insert" 
			 "lock\\([ \\t]+table\\)?" "noaudit" "rename" "revoke" 
			 "rollback\\([ \\t]+segment\\)?" "savepoint" "select" 
			 "truncate" "update")
      (cmndwords-2			;These words appear in SQL command 
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("cluster" "column" "controlfile" 
			 "database\\([ \\t]+link\\)?" 
			 "package\\([ \\t]+body\\)?" "procedure" "profile" 
			 "resource cost" "role" 
			 "schema" "sequence" "session" "snapshot\\([ 
			 	"synonym" "system" 
			 "table" "tablespace" "transaction" "trigger" 
      (exceptions			;Predefined Exceptions + OTHERS
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("cursor_already_open" "dup_val_on_index" 
			 "invalid_number" "login_denied" "no_data_found" 
			 "not_logged_on" "program_error" "storage_error"
			 "timeout_on_resource" "too_many_rows" 
			 "transaction_backed_out" "value_error" "zero_divide"
      (operators			;SQL Set Operators
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("and" "in" "intersect" "like" "minus" "not" "or" 
			 "union\\([ \\n\\t]+all\\)?")
      (keywords-1			;SQL Keywords (most, not all :-)
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("add" "admin" "after" "all" "allocate\\([ 
			 	"any" "\\(no\\)?archivelog" "as" "asc" 
			 "backup" "before" "between" "by" 
			 "\\(no\\)?cache" "cancel" "cascade" "change" "check" 
			 	"checkpoint" "connect[ \\n\\t]+by" 
				"convert" "\\(no\\)?cycle" 
			 "datafiles?" "default" "desc" "distinct" "drop" 
			 "exclusive" "execute" "externally" 
			 "false" "for[ \\n\\t]+update\\(\\n\\t]+of\\)?" 
			 "group[ \\n\\t]+by" 
			 "identified" "increment" "instance" "is" 
			 "limit" "logfile\\([ \\n\\t]+member\\)?"
			 "maxtrans" "\\(no\\)?maxvalue" "\\(no\\)?minvalue" 
			 	"modify" "mount" 
			 "nowait" "null" 
			 "on" "option" "\\(no\\)?order" "order[ \\n\\t]+by"
			 "primary" "private" "public"
			 "recover" "references" "replace" "reuse" 
			 "start[ \\n\\t]+with" "size" "storage" 
			 "to" "true" 
			 "unique" "unlimited" "using" 
			 "values" "where" "with")
      (keywords-2			;PL/SQL Keywords (hopefully all)
	    (mapconcat 'identity
		       '("begin" "close" "current" "declare" "deleting" "each" 
			 "elsif" "end" "exception" "exit\\([ \\n\\t]+when\\)?" 
			 "for" "goto" "if" "in" "inserting" "into" "is" "loop" 
			 "open" "out" "pragma" "raise" "record" "return" 
			 "row" "then" "type" "updating" "when" "while")
  (setq plsql-font-lock-keywords
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" types-1     "\\)\\b") 
	       1 'font-lock-type-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" types-2     "\\)\\b") 
	       1 'font-lock-type-face)
	 (list (concat "\\w\\(" types-3     "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-type-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-1 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-2 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-3 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-4 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-5 "\\)[ \n\t;]") ;No parentheses!
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-6 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-7 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-8 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" functions-9 "\\)[ \n\t]*(") 
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" cmndwords-1 "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" cmndwords-2 "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" exceptions  "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" operators   "\\)\\b") 
	       1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" keywords-1  "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
	 (list (concat "\\b\\(" keywords-2  "\\)\\b")
	       1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
	 (list "\\b\\(function\\|procedure\\|package\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t(]+\\)"
	       2 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	 (list "\\(/\\*.*\\*/\\)" 1 'font-lock-comment-face)
	 (list "\\(^rem .*\\)" 1 'font-lock-comment-face))))

(defvar plsql-indent 4 "*Value is the number of columns to indent in PL/SQL-Mode.")   

(defun plsql-mode ()
"This is a mode intended to support program development in PL/SQL. Most control constructs and declarations of PL/SQL can be inserted in the buffer
by typing Control-C followed by a character mnemonic for the construct.

C-c C-d   declare
C-c C-e   exception      
C-c C-ps  package spec   C-c C-pb package body
C-c C-pr  procedure spec C-c b    proc/func body
C-c C-f   func spec      C-c f    for loop
                         C-c i    if
                         C-c I    elsif
                         C-c e    else
                         C-c l    loop
C-c r     record type    C-c t    table type
                         C-c C-t  tab spacing for indents
C-c C-w   when           C-c w    while loop
                         C-c x    exit
C-c (    paired parens   C-c -    inline comment
                         C-c h    header sec

C-c < and C-c > move backward and forward respectively to the next line having the same (or lesser) level of indentation.

Variable plsql-indent controls the number of spaces for indent/undent.


  (use-local-map plsql-mode-map)
  (setq major-mode 'plsql-mode)
  (setq mode-name "PL/SQL")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
  (setq comment-column 41)
  (make-local-variable 'end-comment-column)
  (setq end-comment-column 72)
  (set-syntax-table plsql-mode-syntax-table)
  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
  (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
  (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
  (setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)

; (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) ; (setq indent-line-function 'c-indent-line)
  (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
  (setq require-final-newline t)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
  (setq comment-start "--")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
  (setq comment-end "")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
  (setq comment-column 41)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
  (setq comment-start-skip "--+ *")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook)
  (setq comment-indent-hook 'c-comment-indent)
  (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
  (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
  (setq case-fold-search t)		;Automatically buffer-local
  (cond	((string-match "Win-Emacs" (emacs-version)) ; Win-Emacs
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search)
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords)
	 (setq font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t)
	 (setq font-lock-keywords plsql-font-lock-keywords))
        ((string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" (emacs-version)) ; XEmacs/Lucid
	 (put major-mode 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t))
	;; XEmacs (19.13, at least) guesses the rest correctly.
	;; If any older XEmacsen don't, then tell me.
	((string-lessp "19.28.89" emacs-version) ; Emacs 19.29 and later
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
	 (setq font-lock-defaults '(plsql-font-lock-keywords t t)))
	(t ; Emacs 19.28 and older
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search)
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords)
	 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-no-comments)
	 (setq font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t)
	 (setq font-lock-keywords plsql-font-lock-keywords)
	 (setq font-lock-no-comments t)))

  (run-hooks 'plsql-mode-hook))

(defun plsql-tabsize (s)
  "changes spacing used for indentation. Reads spacing from minibuffer."   (interactive "nnew indentation spacing: ")   (setq plsql-indent s))

(defun plsql-newline ()
  "Start new line and indent to current tab stop."   (interactive)
  (let ((plsql-cc (current-indentation)))     (newline)
    (indent-to plsql-cc)))

(defun plsql-tab ()
  "Indent to next tab stop."
  (indent-to (* (1+ (/ (current-indentation) plsql-indent)) plsql-indent)))

(defun plsql-untab ()
  "Delete backwards to previous tab stop."   (interactive)
  (backward-delete-char-untabify plsql-indent nil))

(defun plsql-go-to-this-indent (step indent-level)   "Move point repeatedly by <step> lines till the current line has given indent-level or less, or the start/end of the buffer is hit. Ignore blank lines, statement labels, block/loop names."   (while (and

	  (zerop (forward-line step))
	  (or (looking-at "^[ 	]*$")
	      (looking-at "^[ 	]*--")
	      (looking-at "^<<[A-Za-z0-9_]+>>")
	      (looking-at "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+:")
	      (> (current-indentation) indent-level)))

(defun plsql-backward-to-same-indent ()
  "Move point backwards to nearest line with same indentation or less. If not found, point is left at top of buffer."

  (plsql-go-to-this-indent -1 (current-indentation))

(defun plsql-forward-to-same-indent ()
  "Move point forwards to nearest line with same indentation or less. If not found, point is left at start of last line in buffer."

  (plsql-go-to-this-indent 1 (current-indentation))

(defun plsql-table ()
  "Insert PL/SQL table type definition, prompting for type name and component type,
then insert the INDEX BY clause."

  (insert "type ")
  (insert (read-string "type name: "))
  (insert " is table of ")
  (insert (read-string "component type: "))
  (insert "index by binary_integer;")

(defun plsql-declare ()
  "Start a declare part and indent for the 1st declaration."

  (insert "declare")
  (end-of-line -1)

(defun plsql-exception ()
  "Undent and insert an exception part into a block. Reindent."

  (insert "exception")

(defun plsql-else ()
  "Add an else clause inside an if-then-end-if clause."

  (insert "else")

(defun plsql-exit ()
  "Insert an exit statement, prompting for loop name and condition."

  (insert "exit")
  (let ((plsql-loop-name (read-string "[name of loop to exit]: ")))
    (if (not (string-equal plsql-loop-name "")) (insert " " plsql-loop-name)))
  (let ((plsql-exit-condition (read-string "[exit condition]: ")))     (if (not (string-equal plsql-exit-condition ""))
	(if (string-match "^ *[Ww][Hh][Ee][Nn] +" plsql-exit-condition)
	    (insert " " plsql-exit-condition)
	  (insert " when " plsql-exit-condition))))
  (insert ";"))

(defun plsql-when ()
  "Start an excption handler with a when clause."

  (insert "when ")
  (insert (read-string "exception: "))

(defun plsql-for-loop ()
  "Build a skeleton for-loop statement, prompting for the loop parameters."

  (insert "for ")
  (let* ((plsql-loop-name (read-string "[loop name]: "))
	 (plsql-loop-is-named (not (string-equal plsql-loop-name ""))))
    (if plsql-loop-is-named
	  (open-line 1)
	  (insert "<<" plsql-loop-name ">>")
	  (next-line 1)
	  (end-of-line 1)))
    (insert (read-string "loop variable: ") " in ")
    (insert (read-string "range: ") " loop")
    (insert "end loop")

    (if plsql-loop-is-named (insert " " plsql-loop-name))     (insert ";"))
  (end-of-line 0)

(defun plsql-header ()
  "Insert a comment block containing the module title, author, etc."

  (insert "--\n--  Title: \t")
  (insert (read-string "Title: "))
  (insert "\n--  Created:\t" (current-time-string))
  (insert "\n--  Author: \t" (user-full-name))
  (insert "\n--\t\t<" (user-login-name) "_at_" (system-name) ">\n--\n"))

(defun plsql-if ()
  "Insert skeleton if statment, prompting for a boolean-expression."

  (insert "if ")
  (insert (read-string "condition: ") " then")
  (insert "end if;")
  (end-of-line 0)

(defun plsql-elsif ()
  "Add an elsif clause to an if statement, prompting for the boolean-expression."

  (insert "elsif ")
  (insert (read-string "condition: ") " then")

(defun plsql-loop ()
  "insert a skeleton loop statement. exit statement added by hand."

  (insert "loop ")
  (let* ((plsql-loop-name (read-string "[loop name]: "))
	 (plsql-loop-is-named (not (string-equal plsql-loop-name ""))))
    (if plsql-loop-is-named
	  (open-line 1)
	  (insert "<<" plsql-loop-name ">>")
	  (forward-line 1)
	  (end-of-line 1)))
    (insert "end loop")

    (if plsql-loop-is-named (insert " " plsql-loop-name))     (insert ";"))
  (end-of-line 0)

(defun plsql-package-spec ()
  "Insert a skeleton package specification."

  (insert "create or replace package ")
  (let ((plsql-package-name (read-string "package name: " )))
    (insert plsql-package-name " as")
    (insert "end " plsql-package-name ";")
    (end-of-line 0)

(defun plsql-package-body ()
  "Insert a skeleton package body -- includes a begin statement."

  (insert "create or replace package body ")
  (let ((plsql-package-name (read-string "package name: " )))
    (insert plsql-package-name " as")
    (insert "begin")
    (insert "end " plsql-package-name ";")
    (end-of-line -1)

(defun plsql-get-arg-list ()
  "Read from user a procedure or function argument list. Add parens unless arguments absent, and insert into buffer. Individual arguments are arranged vertically if entered one-at-a-time. Arguments ending with ';' are presumed single and stacked."   (insert " (")
  (let ((plsql-arg-indent (current-column))

        (plsql-args (read-string "[arguments]: ")))     (if (string-equal plsql-args "")

	(backward-delete-char 2)
	(while (string-match ";$" plsql-args)
	  (insert plsql-args)
	  (indent-to plsql-arg-indent)
	  (setq plsql-args (read-string "next argument: ")))
	(insert plsql-args ")")))))

(defun plsql-function-spec ()
  "Insert a function specification. Prompts for name and arguments."

  (insert "function ")
  (insert (read-string "function name: "))
  (insert " return ")
  (insert (read-string "result type: ")))

(defun plsql-procedure-spec ()
  "Insert a procedure specification, prompting for its name and arguments."

  (insert "procedure ")
  (insert (read-string "procedure name: " ))

(defun get-plsql-subprogram-name ()
  "Return (without moving point or mark) a pair whose CAR is the name of the function or procedure whose spec immediately precedes point, and whose CDR is the column nbr the procedure/function keyword was found at."   (save-excursion
    (let ((plsql-proc-indent 0))
      (if (re-search-backward
  ;;;; Unfortunately, comments are not ignored in this string search.

	     "[PpFf][RrUu][OoNn][Cc][EeTt][DdIi][UuOo][RrNn]" nil t)
	  (if (or (looking-at "\\<[Pp][Rr][Oo][Cc][Ee][Dd][Uu][Rr][Ee]\\>")
		  (looking-at "\\<[Ff][Uu][Nn][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]\\>"))
		(setq plsql-proc-indent (current-column))
		(forward-word 2)
		(let ((p2 (point)))
		  (forward-word -1)
		  (cons (buffer-substring (point) p2) plsql-proc-indent)))
	   (cons "NAME?" plsql-proc-indent)))))

(defun plsql-subprogram-body ()
  "Insert frame for subprogram body.
Invoke right after plsql-function-spec or plsql-procedure-spec."

  (insert " is")
  (let ((plsql-subprogram-name-col (get-plsql-subprogram-name)))
    (indent-to (cdr plsql-subprogram-name-col))
    (insert "begin")

    (insert "end " (car plsql-subprogram-name-col) ";"))   (end-of-line -2)

(defun plsql-record ()
  "Insert a skeleton record type declaration, prompting for type name."

  (insert "type ")
  (insert (read-string "type name: "))
  (insert " is record")
  (insert "();")
  (end-of-line 0)
  (backward-char 2))

(defun plsql-while-loop ()

  (insert "while ")
  (let* ((plsql-loop-name (read-string "loop name: "))
	 (plsql-loop-is-named (not (string-equal plsql-loop-name ""))))
    (if plsql-loop-is-named
	  (open-line 1)
	  (insert "<<" plsql-loop-name ">>")
	  (next-line 1)
	  (end-of-line 1)))
    (insert (read-string "entry condition: ") " loop")
    (insert "end loop")

    (if plsql-loop-is-named (insert " " plsql-loop-name))     (insert ";"))
  (end-of-line 0)

(defun plsql-paired-parens ()
  "Insert a pair of round parentheses, placing point between them."

  (insert "()")

(defun plsql-inline-comment ()
  "Start a comment after the end of the line, indented at least COMMENT-COLUMN.
If starting after END-COMMENT-COLUMN, start a new line."

  (if (> (current-column) end-comment-column) (newline))
  (if (< (current-column) comment-column) (indent-to comment-column))
  (insert " -- "))

(defun plsql-display-comment ()
"Inserts 3 comment lines, making a display comment."

  (insert "--\n-- \n--")
  (end-of-line 0))

;;; plsql-mode.el ends here

Karel Sprenger <>

Informatiseringscentrum                     | phone: +31-20-525 2302
Universiteit van Amsterdam                  |        +31-20-525 2741
Turfdraagsterpad 9, NL-1012 XT AMSTERDAM | fax : +31-20-525 2084 *** PGP Public Key available on servers *** | home : +31-20-364 1619 Received on Fri Dec 13 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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