Re: Adding to Time in Date fields

From: Steve Cosner <>
Date: 1996/12/03
Message-ID: <582aui$rcl_at_shadow.CSUFresno.EDU>#1/1

In article <>, Marc <> wrote:
>I would like to add a certain number of minutes to
>a time value stored in an Oracle Date field.
>Is there an Oracle function to allow me to add the minutes
>to the field so that the other members of the Date field "day, hour,
>minutes" will reflect the change?
>So if I were to add 20 minutes to "December 2, 1996 12:50AM"
>the resulting Oracle field would be "December 3, 1996 1:10AM"

Please use the new newsgroups: or You shouldn't be using anymore.

Look up Date Arithmetic in the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual. All you need to do to add 20 minutes is

   date_column := date_column+(20/1440);

Steve Cosner Received on Tue Dec 03 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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