Re: simple question i'm sure, HELP!

From: Enzo Maini <>
Date: 1996/11/26
Message-ID: <01bbda8e$6d827ce0$67ead5cc_at_microndesktoppc>#1/1

select * from user_tables.

if you need to see the structure of the table, type desc <table_name>.

select * from all_tables will give you access to all data dictionary views you
have access to.

Could you answer a question for me. What school are you attending that is using
Developer/2000 and Oracle 7 in class? Can you also tell me the class title and
provide a course description. The reason is because I own an Oracle consulting
company and we are looking for Co-Ops for next year to intern as Assistant DBAs,
Assistant Oracle Developers, and Jr. Software Engineers.

Enzo Maini
Owner - Lateral Thinking Software Systems, LLC Trumbull, CT

KEVIN!!! <> wrote in article <>...
> Ok, I am new to this database world and this is actually for a class
> project. We are using Desinger 2000 and Oracle 7 at school and I would
> just like to know how through SQL Plus you can get a list of tables
> your repository? Any help would be great.....
> Thanks
> Kevin
Received on Tue Nov 26 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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