Re: DBMS "store and forward"

From: Michael Kustermann <>
Date: 1996/10/08
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Mary Anne Espenshade wrote:
> I'm on a project that is trying to decide between Oracle and MS SQL
> Server (or even something else if we can justify it). I have no
> experience with either (my DBMS background is in INGRES). The system
> will have wide-spread client-server installations and some data will
> have to be exchanged between servers. It looks to me like what is
> needed is an application that sends a specified subset of the data
> from one server to another under certain circumstances. It doesn't
> seem to me like the sort of thing that needs all the overhead of
> replication or a distributed DB. The project leader's favorite term
> is "store and forward" and he wants a DBMS that will do this
> automatically - store the data locally and forward it later when
> communication becomes available. Is this something DBMSs, Oracle
> especially, do these days? My DB experience is 5 years out of date.
> The servers are PCs running NT.
> --
> Mary Anne Espenshade
> mae_at_aplexus.jhuapl.eduOracle supports functionality to submit 'jobs' on demand. They provide a
package (or library) of procedures called DBMS_JOB which is used to schedule procedures to be executed either once or repetetively.   You create a procedure or function to perform the work you want done, then invoke the dbms_jobs.submit procedure to schedule your procedure. If the Database goes down, Oracle will resubmit the job upon recovery. Simple.

Michael Kustermann Received on Tue Oct 08 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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