How can I create a snapshot for a table with a LONG

From: Dwayne K. King <dwayne_at_dwayne.FreeNet.Kiev.UA>
Date: 1996/10/07
Message-ID: <ABwsCMoec7_at_dwayne.FreeNet.Kiev.UA>#1/1

Hi there,

I have a table with a LONG column in it. My problem is that I need to create a snapshot of this table on my local (PO7) database and I can't figure out how to do this without getting the "Illegal use of LONG type" message.

I can't even COPY it since this results in the same message.

Is there anyone out there who has done this?


Dwayne K. King              | "Speak softly and study Aikido, 
Computer Systems Advisor,   |  then you won't need a big stick."
International Monetary Fund |
Received on Mon Oct 07 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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