Re: 1 or 2 databases and/or servers?

From: Jim Gregory <>
Date: 1996/10/01
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Joe, This can be argued to death to go either way. There are good, valid reasons for both scenarios. I would tend to make the deciding factor performance. All else being equal or arguable, I would put the databases on the same box if the box will handle it with acceptable performance from startup to at least a year's worth of anticipated growth, at which time I would re-evaluate the performance and decide if it were time to split the db's off onto seperate machines. If I would determine that performance would probably not be acceptable if the 2 databases were on the same server ( may or may not be in the same instance ) I would go the 2 server route from the beginning.

Jim Gregory
>==========Yong CC (Joe), 9/28/96==========
> Got a small dilemma here. A colleague of mine is involved in a
>project that uses Oracle 7 for two (2) independent departments within
>the same company. The _only_ connection between these two departments is
>that they may need to query data from each other's database.
 There are no
>relations whatsoever between the two databases. They merely need to have
>access (with certain restrictions) to the information on each other's
>database. Now, when consulted, I recommended that there be two distinct
>databases sitting on individual servers. My justification include the
>following factors (in brief):
> - security
> - ease of maintenance
> - independence of operations/maintenance
> - minimal "downtime"
> - caters for upgrades/expansion
> My colleague shares my opinion but she is having some trouble
>getting the same support from the rest of her team. Some of the reasons
>they provided include difficulty in implementing such a setup,
>in writing applications (they're using Oracle Forms 4.5) to work
>with this
>setup and lack of documented proof that this solution was better
>that having
>both database sit on the same Oracle server or even just having
>one large
>database even though there will be two, generally unrelated set
>of tables.
>I reject these as invalid arguments but it is difficult to
>explain to them
>since they are all from AS/400 and/or mainframe background with
>experience (no offense intended).
> Does anyone out there have any experience with such a
>setup or knows
>of such a setup and does not mind sharing some info/experience. I am
>preparing a report to present my recommendation and any
 information would
>be most appreciated. Thank you.
>Joe Yong
>Software Alliance (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Opinions expressed are mine and do not reflect those of my company or clients. Received on Tue Oct 01 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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