Have you VOTED on splitting this newsgroup?

From: Steve Cosner <stevec_at_zimmer.CSUFresno.EDU>
Date: 1996/09/20
Message-ID: <51uiuj$jjl_at_zimmer.CSUFresno.EDU>#1/1

Oracle users! Have you voted on the CFV (Call for Votes) on splitting up this newsgroup? If you haven't, then do it now.


  1. Get a ballot by sending an email message to:

    Set the subject and text of the message to something like: Please     send a ballot.

2. Fill out the ballot: Read, then delete all the rationale and

    charter text. Fill in your name on the line where it is required.     Fill in your four yes/no votes. Delete the additional text     after the ballot. (Instructions are included in the ballot.)

3. Email the ballot back to the votetaker. Just replying to the

    ballot will get it to the correct address.

4. You will get two automatic responses from the votetaker: one

    saying your ballot was received, and the next saying your vote was     recorded.

Thank you *very* much. If you have any questions, you can email me. Steve Cosner

----Following lists the four proposed newsgroups----

In article <842635456.16013_at_uunet.uu.net>, Bill Aten <oracle-vote_at_netagw.com> wrote:
> unmoderated group comp.databases.oracle.marketplace
>unmoderated group comp.databases.oracle.misc (renames comp.databases.oracle)
> unmoderated group comp.databases.oracle.server
> unmoderated group comp.databases.oracle.tools
>Newsgroups lines:
>comp.databases.oracle.marketplace Oracle-related jobs, etc.
>comp.databases.oracle.misc Oracle related topics.
>comp.databases.oracle.server Oracle database administration/server topics.
>comp.databases.oracle.tools Oracle software tools/applications.
>Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 4 Oct 1996.
Received on Fri Sep 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message