Re: Procedure Storage/Analyze Question

From: Eugene Freydenzon <>
Date: 1996/09/15
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I am sorry and I apologize.

        I reviewed original message and found my mistake. I missed the meaning of full sentence.

        Forgive me, please.


J L Joslin wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Sep 1996 09:05:34 -0700, Eugene Freydenzon
> <> wrote:
> >
> >Comments to J.L.Joslin:
> >DBA_TABLES, DBA_INDEXES are not tables, their are views for sys and
> >synonims to views otherwise.
> >
> >If I did not understand your quiestion correctly, forgive me please
> >
> >Eugene
> >--
> Eugene,
> I said...
> >> Statistics are stored in the SYSTEM tablespace in the tables
> >> underlying DBA_TABLES, DBA_INDEXES, etc.
> The phrase "tables underlying" refers to the tables which a view
> references. I did not say DBA_TABLES or DBA_INDEXES were tables.
> Jim Joslin
Received on Sun Sep 15 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message