Re: Why Client/server?

From: Mark McNulty <>
Date: 1996/09/09
Message-ID: <511996$>#1/1

In article, Douglas Scott <> () writes:
> I'm currently running Oracle 7.x on a VAX and accessing the database
> with terminals/emulation and I'm trying to convince my boss of the
> benefits of going client/server (besides GUI). Does anyone know where I
> can get some justification for this migration?
> Douglas Scott
> Boeing Aerospace

Sounds like you are already client/server, just that the client is running on the same machine as the server.

If you are going to justify client/server, avoid the mistake of saying its cheaper (you are going to spend tons on Windows support vs. little on terminal support) or faster (the terminals will beat bloated Windows).

That said, there are justifications, but it usually boils down to giving the users greater control (which might scare your boss, probably should). But once the users have the data on a machine they are comfortable with, they can share data between programs (spreedsheets, word processing software, etc). The GUI might make them more accurate with data-entry, faster at looking up information and using it, etc.

Also, the tools available might increase programmer productivity in the client/server realm.

Also, since you are now probably running all the processes on one machine, you MIGHT get some performance benefits from splitting the load onto a front-end.

Good luck,
Mark McNulty
JYACC Consultant

Note- these views are mine, and not those of JYACC or JP Morgan. Received on Mon Sep 09 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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