Re: put carriage return into VARCHAR2 using PL/SQL

From: Scott Urman <>
Date: 1996/09/06
Message-ID: <50ple4$>#1/1

In article <x6eloeng4ue.fsf_at_mdt26awm.i-have-a-misconfigured-system-so-shoot-me>, Ming-Ding Tsao <> writes:
|> Question: In R7.3.2 using PL/SQL how to put the carriage return(0x0d
|> or 0x0a) into a string ?
|> For example:
|> achar VARCHAR2(16);
|> achar := 'test' || ' ' || 'line' || ' ';
|> -- how to put a line feed to replace the last ' ' above.

Use the CHR function. CHR(10) is a line feed in most character sets.

|> In PL/SQL documentation it states character literals include all the
|> printable characters in the PL/SQL character sets, and the character
|> set include "tabs, spaces, and carriage returns". I noticed that
|> functions are used to produce a line feed such as dbms_output.newline or it
|> is done implicitly in side a function such as put_line().
|> Thanks, Ming Tsao
|> --

Scott Urman Oracle Corporation

Author of _Oracle PL/SQL Programming_ ISBN 0-07-882176-2 Published by Oracle Press -

"The opinions expressed here are my own, and are not necessarily that of  Oracle Corporation"
Received on Fri Sep 06 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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