Recursive relationship, performance problem

From: SEKAS <>
Date: 1996/08/19
Message-ID: <4v9q36$>#1/1

Performance problems with hirarchical structures realized by selfrelationship

The entries in the OBJECTS entity are forming a hirarchical structure as known from the typical employee - manager example. Every object may have a parent object in the same entity. Additional every object may be described by one ore more attributes in ATTRIBUTES.

     +-----------------+                   +-----------------------+
     |OBJECTS          |                   |ATTRIBUTES             |
     +-----------------+               1:m +-----------------------+
     |PK object_id     |-----------------+<|PK     attribute_name  |
     |   object_type   |                   |PK, FK object_id       |
     |FK parent_object |----+              |       attribute_value |
     +-----------------+    |		   +-----------------------+
                   V        |

Here are the questions to be answered by SQL-Statements:

  1. What is the root's object_id for a given node?

   Possibel solution:

	select *
	  from objects o1
	  where parent_object is null
	  and <object_id of given node> in

select object_id from objects start with object_id = o1.object_id connect by prior object_id = parent_objectid );

2. What are the child objects of a certain object_type for a given root object_id?

   Possibel solution:

	select *
	  from objects
	  where object_type = <searched child object type>
	  and object_id in

select object_id from objects start with object_id = <object_id of node where the search shall start> connect by prior object_id = parent_objectid );

3. What are the child objects of a certain object_type which belong to a certain root

   object_id AND which have itself leafs described by a certain attribute and an    attribute value?

   Possibel solution:

	select *
	  from objects o1
	  where o1.object_type = <searched object type>
	  and o1.object_id in

( /* dependency tree of given root */
select o2.object_id from objects o2 start with o2.object_id = <object_id of root> connect by prior o2.object_id = o2.parent_objectid ) and exists
(select * /* leafs */
from objects o3 where o3.object_type = <leaf object type> and o3.object_id in ( /* dependency tree of given root */ select o4.object_id from objects o4 start with o4.object_id = o1.object_id /* = possible result node = root of leafs */ connect by prior o4.object_id = o4.parent_objectid ) and exists (select 'x' /* check the attribute of the leaf */ from attributes where object_id = o3.object_id and attribute_name = <searched attribute name> and attribute_value = <searched attribute value> ) );

These questions are very commonly asked questions for hirarchical structures and the select statements are possible, but not very fast solutions, if OBJECTS contains a lot of entries (up to 1000000).

Does anybody have experiance with this problems or does anybody have sugestions for faster SQL statements?

Thanks for comments and hints

Wolfram Loy
e-mail Received on Mon Aug 19 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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