SQL Studio

From: Dario P. Diklic <ddiklic_at_netcom.ca>
Date: 1996/08/13
Message-ID: <321143DF.A96_at_netcom.ca>#1/1

In working with SQL Studio packages, there seem to be a limitation to
the size of a package one can create. The size reached was somewhere around
33k. Once reached, SQL Studio will not allow you to write anymore codes. However, in SQL*PLUS, there seem to be no limitation. I compiled successfully a package over 33k. But when I try to open it through SQL Studio, a portion of the codes was missing. Is there a reason for this? Is
there a way around it? Or do I have to live with it?

Any help/comment will be greatly appreciated. Thanx in advance, Bang Ha.

 Please address comments to
   Bang Ha (BANG_HA_at_DOFASCO.CA) Received on Tue Aug 13 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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