Accessing the same table by difference VB programs

From: Antony MF Lee <>
Date: 1996/06/26
Message-ID: <4qsio1$>#1/1

Hi everybody

I have two programs in written in VB. One program (Prg1) is used to insert data into a table, the other (Prg2) is used to delete some row in that table. Both programs can be started at the same time by two different people.

The Process flow of Prg1 is

	Insert transaction header in tbl1
	Insert transaction detail in tbl2

The process flow of Prg2 is
	Get batch no from tbl1
	Delete the corresponding in tbl2

Due to the performance and some technical issues there is no transaction embedded in Prg1.

If the header insert into tbl1, it will be seen by Prg2. However, I don't want the processing batch being seen by Prg2. I think the a status indicating that batch is being processing and release the status after Prg1 has been executed can do that. However, I fear that when the status cannot be released, this problem batch is never be deleted from tbl1.

Can anyone suggest me a solution ?

Thank a lots.

Antony Received on Wed Jun 26 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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