ORACLE reference cursor question

From: Priya Magesh <>
Date: 1996/05/22
Message-ID: <4nvp95$>#1/1


      I have a question on using reference cursors in PL/SQL .
      The following PL/SQL procedure uses dbms_sql calls and ref cursors.

/* The header for the procedure */
create or replace package test is

        type curtype is ref cursor return record_values;
        type record_values is record (username varchar2(8),
                                      userid varchar2(8));
        procedure test(user_name IN varchar2, cur IN OUT curtype);
end test_pkg;  

/* The body of the procedure */
create or replace package body test_pkg is

    procedure test (username IN varchar2,

                    cur IN OUT curtype ) is

    str := 'select username, userid from app_roles where uname = '||':userna me';
/* Should I be opening a cursor when I am using reference cursors? */

   cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;

   Gives an error message as follows:
   PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PARSE'    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

   dbms_sql.parse(cur, str, dbms_sql.v7);
. (bind calls and other stuff)


   end test;
end test_pkg;  

My questions are:
1. Should I use dbms_sql.open_cursor to open the cursor when I am using referenc e cursors?
2. Why do I get an error when I use dbms_sql.parse to parse the cursor? 3. Does anybody have examples in using both dbms_sql calls and ref cursors in

   one procedure?  

You could mail me at or reply to this newsgroup. Thanks. Received on Wed May 22 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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