SQL Loader/Mini Data

From: Brian McCallion <brianm_at_dti.net>
Date: 1996/05/17
Message-ID: <319D4792.2C39_at_dti.net>#1/1

I'm currently working on a project that involves migrating data from a hierarchical databases from a data general to oracle. The files have all been converted to flat files with fixed field lengths, data types, and record lengths. The error I get from SQL loader is that the file is too large to read. The problem seems to lie in the fact that there is no formal delimitation between the records. If anyone can help me by either mailer a script, or sharing their experience/solutions with these issues, I would greatly appreciate it. Please respond via mail. Thank you.

Brian McCallion Received on Fri May 17 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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