** HELP: Best way to connect Web srvr to Sybase for fastest response??

From: <ai_at_netcom.com>
Date: 1996/04/29
Message-ID: <aiDqM0ut.9wF_at_netcom.com>#1/1

April 29, 1996


There is a Sun SPARCstation server here running SunOS 4.1.3 (and Solaris 2.4 at times).

This SPARC server is also running the Apache Web server (httpd) and Sybase SQL Server with a 1 - 5 Gb database (mostly numerical records and some text blocks). (The Apache server may be interchanged with a Netscape server or Spyglass server in the future depending on performance tests down the road).

The SQL database will be accessed by browsers typically just a few times a minute across say 25 - 50 users. And a typical query will result in the transmission of about 100 - 400 records of about 100 - 200 bytes per record.


9. What is the 'best' interface/gateway to use between the Web server
(httpd) and the Sybase database in order to result in the fastest
response of query results of the database being sent back to the client browser?

2. Is using PERL vs. C Shell script vs. a C application vs. ?? going to result in better overall performance from the end user's perpespective?

(I understand that a script approach will usually mean interfacing
to Sybase by a command line (isql?) whereas a C app will be able to make Sybase dblib calls. So maybe part of my question is - does Sybase process command line queries faster than dblib queries?)

3. Are there freeware/shareware gateways out there that will do this? I know about GSQL but is it out of date?

Thanks very much for any help/pointers on this.

  ai_at_netcom.com Received on Mon Apr 29 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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