(no subject)

From: James Ko <jamesko_at_bnr.ca>
Date: 1996/04/08
Message-ID: <4kbfcp$9dt_at_bcrkh13.bnr.ca>#1/1


Does anybody know if Oracle 6 can still be used in Solaris 2.5? I was unable to port one of our 3rd party software (which uses Oracle 6) to Solaris due to parameter errors.

I would appreciate if someone can tell me where to find this documentation (if exist) that would explain all these changes.

Thanks for your help.


James Ko, Global Technical Support     | Email:  jamesko_at_NORTEL.CA      
NORTEL Magellan Network Management     | Phone:    +1 613 763 6920 
PO Box 3511, Station C, Ottawa         | ESN:             393 6920 
Ontario, Canada K1Y 4H7                | FAX:      +1 613 763 9406        

Received on Mon Apr 08 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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