Re: ANNOUNCE: Vacant Job Positions

From: Paul Dito <>
Date: 1996/02/14
Message-ID: <>#1/1

>>Education can very rewarding.
>At least there was something in this post I can agree with.

Me too (yes, this is a 'me too' post. If that bugs you, stop reading, please).

>But consider this, how smart is someone who just spent 4 to 6 years of their
>life and their own money studing something when they have probably could have
>gotten a two year degree technical degree for a lot less money, gone to work
>for a company, and then had the company pay for their degree?? Or could have
>gone into the armed services for 4 years and had Uncle Sam pay for it??

I just gotta jump in here because I in the process of doing the above: four years with Uncle Sam, two years for a technical degree (with the GI Bill picking up the tab), now with a company paying to further my education...I tell you, it works.

>Just my opinions, even though they are the only correct ones :-)

Correct 'cause I say so ;)

Paul Received on Wed Feb 14 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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