Re: executing shell scripts from PL/SQL

From: Jim Smith <>
Date: 1996/02/04
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <>, Gee Wong <> writes
>As soon as I get my Oracle7 system up, I am goint to try to execute a
>UNIX program/shell from PL/SQL using the following technique which has
>worked for me in similar situations with other languages.
>Using the package UTL_FILE, I plan to test the following procedure for
>executing a UNIX program/shell:
> PROCEDURE shell (sys_cmd IN VARCHAR2)
> IS
> sys_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
> sys_file := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (' | \bin\', 'sh', 'W');
> UTL_FILE.PUT(sys_file, sys_cmd);
> UTL_FILE.NEWLINE(sys_file);
> UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(sys_file);
> END;
>I will not be able to test this out for another two weeks. You are
>welcome to try it out.
>Not bad for someone who just started learning PL/SQL two hours ago.

So how are you going to execute it, smartarse?

Jim Smith
Received on Sun Feb 04 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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