Re: before/after image assignment in triggers

From: Thomas J Kyte <>
Date: 1996/01/27
Message-ID: <4ebnvb$>#1/1

mark rostron <> wrote:


>We are doing a lot of parallel development to table behaviour with different
>programming groups needing to set values in a table row prior to insertion/update.
>In order to avoid treading on each others' toes, we have decided to minimise
>specific coding in the trigger and do it all in separate procedures, and merge them
>in the trigger, somehow.

>I also want to avoid creating procedures with long parameter lists on account of
>they become a maintainer's nightmare.

>Now, I know the following syntax is valid:
> row table%rowtype;
> procedure_call(row);

>where the procedure_call definition is:

> procedure_call(p_row inout table%rowtype)

>Being able to pass an image of the table row will solve a maintenance problem, BUT:

>I cant do this:

> row := :new;

>or whatever it's correct definition is. Can anyone please tell me a way?

>ps: I have tried the following alternatives:
>- passing the id of the row; doesn't work till the row exists
>- post-processing instead of pre-processing: has some drawbacks

>If all else fails, we'll revert to using specialist parameter calls.


I would use SQL to write SQL to automate the trigger definition. The following example shows how to do it for the EMP table for example:

REM Create a series of procedures that work on RECORDS...

create or replace procedure do_something( x in out emp%rowtype ) as

    x.ename := upper(x.ename);
end do_something;

REM Now we will use the data dictionary to write our trigger to a tmp file  

set heading off
set feedback off
spool tmp.sql
prompt create or replace trigger emp_bifer prompt before insert on emp
prompt for each row
prompt declare
prompt x emp%rowtype;;
prompt begin
prompt select
select decode( column_id, 1, '', ',' ), ':new.'||column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'EMP' order by column_id
prompt into x from dual;;  

REM put your calls here:
prompt do_something( x );;  

prompt select
select decode( column_id, 1, '', ',' ), 'x.'||column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'EMP' order by column_id
prompt into
select decode( column_id, 1, '', ',' ), ':new.'||column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'EMP' order by column_id
prompt from dual;;
prompt end;;
prompt /
spool off
set heading on
set feedback on

So the above generated a trigger that looks like:

create or replace trigger emp_bifer
before insert on emp
for each row
x emp%rowtype;
select :new.EMPNO, :new.ENAME, :new.JOB , :new.MGR, :new.HIREDATE, :new.SAL, :new.COMM , :new.DEPTNO
into x from dual;

do_something( x );

select x.EMPNO, x.ENAME, x.JOB, x.MGR
into :new.EMPNO, :new.ENAME, :new.JOB
, :new.MGR, :new.HIREDATE, :new.SAL, :new.COMM , :new.DEPTNO
from dual;

Hope this helps...

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government Received on Sat Jan 27 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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