Re: ODBC Driver!

From: rschick <>
Date: 1996/01/10
Message-ID: <4d028e$>#1/1

In article <4cr831$>, (Mark Wagoner) says:
> North) wrote:
>>> (Mark Wagoner) writes:

>>What happens when you try to call a stored procedure?

>>Are you using the ODBC escape clause

>>{call foo}
>No matter how I try to call it, I get an ODBC syntax error. I have
>tried with the braces, without the braces, specifying a return value,
>not specifying a return value. Micorsoft is "working on it".

I take it your trying to call a proc from VB, the syntax is

{call SP_NAME(var1, var2,...)}

Rob Schick Received on Wed Jan 10 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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