Re: Keeping stored procedures in the shared pool ?

From: Chris Selwyn <>
Date: 1996/01/05
Message-ID: <4cj14d$>

Dave Marcus ( wrote:

: Try this:  grant execute on the package to sys, logon as sys and at the 
: command line:
: begin
: dbms_shared_pool.keep ('owner.package_name');
: end
: it should work

Here is an oraperl script that I wrote a while ago to keep large stored packages in shared memory :-

It is invoked by

keepem [-d] [-n] <sys password> <minsize>

------------------------Cut here---------------------------

$mode = "keep";
$cmp = ">";
$dummy = 0;

while(( $_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-/ ) {

	if( $_ eq "-d" ) {
		$mode = "unkeep";
		$cmp = "<";
	elsif( $_ eq "-n" ) {
		$dummy = 1;
	else {
		print STDERR "Bad option $_\n";


$syspwd = $ARGV[0];
$minsize = $ARGV[1];

$syslda = &ora_login($twospec, "sys", $syspwd)

                        || &oradie("Failed to create sys session");

$bigobjcsr = &ora_open($syslda, "select owner, name, totsize

				  from dba_keepsizes 
				  where totsize $cmp $minsize")
			|| &oradie("Failed to open cursor on large objects");

$keepcsr = &ora_open($syslda, "begin dbms_shared_pool.$mode(:1); end;")
|| &oradie("Failed to open cursor on large object keeper");
$keptcsr = &ora_open($syslda, "select kept
from v\$db_object_cache where owner = :1 and name = :2 and type in ('PACKAGE', 'PROCEDURE','FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY')" ) || &oradie("Failed to open cursor on object cache");
$accessiblecsr = &ora_open($syslda, "select count(*)
from all_tab_privs where table_schema = :1 and table_name = :2" ) || &oradie("Failed to open cursor on accessability"); while( ($owner, $name, $totsize) = &ora_fetch($bigobjcsr) ) { print STDERR "Inspecting $owner.$name (size $totsize) - "; &ora_bind($keptcsr, $owner, $name) || &oradie("Failed to bind to kept cursor"); if( ($kept) = &ora_fetch($keptcsr) ) { if( $kept eq "YES" ) { print STDERR "Already kept\n"; } } if( $kept ne "YES" ) { if( $owner ne "SYS" ) { &ora_bind($accessiblecsr, $owner, $name ) || &oradie("Failed to bind to accesibility cursor"); ($accessible) = &ora_fetch($accessiblecsr); } else { $accessible = 1; } if( !$accessible ) { if( !$ldas{$owner} ) { print STDERR "Connecting - "; $ldas{$owner} = &connectasuser($owner); } print STDERR "Granting - "; &ora_do($ldas{$owner}, "grant execute on $name to sys") || &oradie("Failed to grant execute access to sys"); } print STDERR "Keeping - "; if( !$dummy ) { if( &ora_bind($keepcsr, $owner.".".$name) ) { print STDERR "OK\n"; } else { print STDERR "Failed to keep $owner.$name - $ora_errstr\n"; } } else { print "Suppressed\n"; } if( !$accessible ) { # i.e. did a grant print STDERR "Revoking"; &ora_do($ldas{$owner}, "revoke execute on $name from sys") || &oradie("Failed to revoke execute access from sys"); } print STDERR "\n"; }

&oradie("Failed to fetch big object") if ( $ora_errno );
foreach $lda ( values(%ldas) ) {




sub connectasuser {

	local($uname) = _at__;

	$dbausrcsr = &ora_open($syslda, "select password from dba_users where username = :1")
			|| &oradie('Failed to open dba user cursor');
	&ora_bind($dbausrcsr, $uname);
	($pwd) = &ora_fetch($dbausrcsr);
	&oradie("Failed to find user $uname") if( !$pwd );

	&ora_do($syslda, "alter user $uname identified by temporary_dummy_password_")||
			&oradie("Failed to change password");
	$usrlda = &ora_login($twospec, $uname, 'temporary_dummy_password_' );

	if( !$usrlda ) {
		&ora_do($syslda, "alter user $uname identified by values '$pwd'")||
			&oradie("Failed to change password back!");
		&oradie("Failed to connect as $uname");
	&ora_do($syslda, "alter user $uname identified by values '$pwd'")||
			&oradie("Failed to change password back!");


sub oradie {

	local($msg,$line) = _at__;
	local($package, $filename, $line) = caller;

	print STDERR "Oracle Error - $ora_errstr ($ora_errno) : $msg at line $line of $filename\n";
	die "Exiting due to Oracle error";

------------------------Cut here---------------------------

Chris Selwyn
Senior Consultant
Perihelion Software
email: tel: +44 1749 344203
Received on Fri Jan 05 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

Original text of this message