Re: Tablespace lost

From: <>
Date: 1995/10/29
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <>, (Tom Krühlmann) wrote:

> I'm currently running through all my emergency procedures. And I discovered
> that I always rely on having all of my filesystems files ( Unix )
> tablespaces in oracle on my backup.
> What could I do if I lost for instance my rollback tablespace, my index
> tablespace or my temp tablespace ?

Hmm. Interesting question. One that I have pondered many times. Everyone I ask gives a different answer. From what I have been able to determine:

Rollback tablespace: If you lose it, you are completely screwed. Hypothetically, if there were NO update/insert/delete transactions occurring at the time you lost it, you should be able to recover. However, I don't think the database would go along with it. Might be interesting to test.

Index tablespace: You would have to destroy the existing index tablespace by dropping it and recreating it (with REUSE). Indexes can then be rebuilt, since the data upon which they were built is available and is unaffected.

Temp tablespace: I would assume that this would be possible, but I wouldn't want to try it. I believe creating temporary objects in the temporary tablespace is protected by rollbacks just like anything else. The database would probaby have a fit if you tried to recreate the temp tablespace.

Anyone else have an opinion (or, god forbid, a real, researched answer)?

Matt... Received on Sun Oct 29 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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