Re: FORMS4 - Too time to start - Help ...

From: Craig <>
Date: 1995/09/27
Message-ID: <44bouh$>#1/1

Luiz Fernando Ramos <> wrote:
>The FORMS4 applications take too long to start. Does any one know a way
>to accelarate it, or maybe a way to put an intro window, like EXCEL or
>WORD does ?
There is a way to load some aspects of the application into memory on startup of windows. is it possible to put some of the common = code moduals into the startup group with an icon so that when windows loads those load, that would cut down on loading time.

If you want to create a startup screen, then create a new modual (keep it small) with your favoraite graphics, etc. Let it be the fi=
rst form and create a time for it, set the time so that when it expires the form_exits and the other form is behind it. I think that=
 you will need to open the other forms perhaps with thier own session, but I am not sure. These are just guesses, I have never done =
them yet.

Craig Harper
IFTN Received on Wed Sep 27 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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