Re: Visual C++ connectivity to Oracle "not odbc"

From: Ted Kyriakakis <>
Date: 1995/09/08
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <42o9mr$>, Mike Gillis <> wrote:
>I am wondering how to access Oracle tables from Visual C++ without

Cadre offers ObjectTeam/Application Factory, a C++ application builder that supports Visual C++ as well as direct connectivity to Oracle through its Oracle WireWare component. Oracle WireWare includes:

  1. A C++ API for accessing Oracle tables (no ODBC required),
  2. An object-to-database mapper, and
  3. A table-to-object mapper.

You can call Cadre at (401) 351-5950 [I don't know their 800 number off the top of my head]. Having worked with the product, I may be able to answer questions as well. You can reach me at:

  • Ted Kyriakakis

Subtle Software, Inc.        Phone: (617) 558-4100
7 Wells Ave                  Fax:   (617) 558-4103
Received on Fri Sep 08 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message