Re: use of tablespaces in oracle

From: <>
Date: 1995/08/08
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <DCy5z4.1r2_at_HAN.UnisysGSG.COM>, Mike Prompovitch <> wrote:

> I have a question on the use of tablespaces in Oracle. We are developing
> some new applications in Oracle, and being new to the product have gone
> to Oracle training. Unfortunatly, we have gone at different times and
> recived contradictory advice from the instructors. In this case one
> instructor said to create a separate tablespace for each table in the
> database. The other said that tablespaces are logical areas and that the
> tables should be grouped in tablespaces based on how they are used. This
> instructor also said that indexes should be placed in a single tablespace
> to reduce the administration effort due to the high degree of
> fragmentation caused by indexes.
> I would appreciate any advice from experienced Oracle administrators.
> Thanks

Being new to Oracle, I would highly recommend picking up a copy of the DBA Companion, written by Kevin Loney and published by Osbourne/McGraw-Hill. It is a good desk reference for your DBA. It has a section that discusses tablespace distribution.

I also wrote an article for the Lighthouse newsletter on tablespace/file distribution. If you want, I can mail it to you. If there is enough response, I can post it (don't want to take up the bandwidth, if there isn't a high volume of requests).

Matt... Received on Tue Aug 08 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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