Re: 7.1.3 -> 7.1.6

From: Paul Couchman <>
Date: 1995/07/15
Message-ID: <>#1/1

From: (Paul Couchman) Subject: Re: 7.1.3 -> 7.1.6 (Gunnar Orvarsson) wrote:

>I'm planning to upgrade Oracle 7.1.3 to 7.1.6 on a Sun SPARC running Solaris

>I was wondering if anyone had any comments on this upgrade, is there anything
>special I should watch for, something that is known not to work anymore etc.?

>Best regards,

We came up against a weird problem when upgrading from 7.1.4 to 7.1.6 which I will be calling ORACLE about on Monday.

A SQL*Forms application calling a stored database procedure was returning a numeric or value error. It took us a couple of hours to realise that for some reason, the value being returned, although looking the correct length (e.g. VC2(15)), was actually being treated by the form as though it were two characters greater, and hence the value error.

All other attempts to generate this problem failed, i.e running the procedure from SQL*Plus etc..

I'll let you know if I get an answer.


>Gunnar Orvarsson Internet:
>Hafrannsoknastofnunin/Fiskistofa Telephone: +354 5697909
>(Marine Research Inst./Directorate of Fisheries) Fax: +354 5697991
>Ingolfsstraeti 1, Reykjavik, Iceland Home phone: +354 5813253

|Fidonet:  Paul Couchman 2:283/618.99
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.
Received on Sat Jul 15 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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