Re: Forms45 Database

From: Guenter Gersdorf <>
Date: 1995/07/07
Message-ID: <3tip1o$>#1/1 (Rob Zoeteweij) wrote:

>Is there anyone out there who can suply me with the logical structure
>of the Forms45 database tables ?

>So, what data do the several columns contain (textdata1, objecttype,
>etc...), how can I find the properties from a text item (for instance)

>Any help would be very welcome.

>Rob Zoeteweij

I need the same info!

Guenter Gersdorf                         Phone:      +49/(0)531/391-7634
Inst. f. Werkzeugmaschinen               Fax:                      -5842
und Fertigungstechnik, TU Braunschweig   E-Mail:
Langer Kamp 19b, D-38106 Braunschweig Received on Fri Jul 07 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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