[Q] Archive tools for Oracle databases?

From: Teddy Winstead <winstead_at_cs.tulane.edu>
Date: 1995/06/29
Message-ID: <3suvq6$ge4_at_rs10.tcs.tulane.edu>#1/1

I'm looking for a product made by Oracle or anyone else that would allow me to archive data (to tape, for instance), then go back and selectively retreive data off that tape (for a given date range, for example, or maybe another specific field). Does anyone know of any such products?

Nathaniel Scott "Teddy" Winstead      | http://www.cs.tulane.edu/www/Winstead
winstead_at_cs.tulane.edu (Preferred)    | WARNING! -- The views expressed are
winstead%brauerei.uucp_at_cs.tulane.edu  | those of a platypus and are not 
Fanatical Homebrewer & CS Student     | necessarily my own.
Received on Thu Jun 29 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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