[Q] IMPORTANT!!! take value of parameter form from a PL/SQL menu item

From: Nicolas Rancourt <boloria_at_gmc.ulaval.ca>
Date: 1995/06/17
Message-ID: <3rv0jg$nam_at_athena.ulaval.ca>#1/1

Little problem !!!

I've a option in my personal menu how retreive a value from a parameter. But It's a parameter form. When I generate my menu I receive a warning message because Menu 5.0 search first the parameter in the menu and they don't find it.

My command line :

:PARAMETER.P_LASTQUERY := :SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY; (parameter name in the form)

I want to know if I can read a parameter form from a PL/SQL item menu ??

I know that I can use a global variable, or a field in a table but another solution will be appreciate.

Nicolas Rancourt Received on Sat Jun 17 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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