Query System by C

From: Jung K Oh <jkoh_at_uncc.edu>
Date: 1995/06/11
Message-ID: <3rffoi$a1s_at_news.uncc.edu>

  I have built a database engin of query system implemented by Prolog and SQL, but I'm having difficulties in C. Here is an example of query format to retrieve such that:

    QUERY: (Name, John) OR (Sex, F) AND [NOT {NOT (Name, Tom) OR (Eyes, blue)}

  Using an algorithms of Binary Tree, the above query can be translated into an internal representation such that:

    QUERY: (Name, John) OR (S,ex, F) AND (Name, Tom) AND {NOT (Eyes, blue)}      

As see an example that NOT {NOT (Name, Tom)} = (Name, Tom)

                          NOT {OR (Eyes, blue)} = AND {NOT (Eyes, blue)} ,
NOT has to be a leaves in the Binary Tree.

  If there is a buddy who has programmed a query system in C or has seen a book shows an example implemented in C language, could you email me jkoh_at_unccsun.uncc.edu directly to help me?

  Any response would be SINCERELY appreciated.

  Attached are a unfinished source program works well as a part the engin I expect, and a data file(Table) to test it's query.

/*********************** source prog. ***************************************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* define the lengths of the database attributes */

#define ID_L 3
#define NAME_L 8
#define AGE_L 4
#define HGT_L 5
#define WGT_L 4
#define SEX_L 4
#define EYES_L 6
#define RACE_L 10
#define PROF_L 10
#define ADDR_L 14
#define CRIME_L 11

/* define the structure of the link node */

typedef struct node

  char id[ID_L+1];
  char name[NAME_L+1];

  char  age[AGE_L+1];
  char  hgt[HGT_L+1];
  char  wgt[WGT_L+1];
  char  sex[SEX_L+1]; 
  char  eyes[EYES_L+1]; 
  char  race[RACE_L+1]; 

  char prof[PROF_L+1];
  char addr[ADDR_L+1];
  char crime[CRIME_L+1];

  struct node *next;
} query;

/* function to print one member of the structure 'query' at a time */

void padz( char *s, int iL)

 char fmt[10];
 char s1[30];
 sprintf(fmt,"%c-%ds ",'%',iL);

int match(char *str1, char *str2, int iL,int ifg) {

 /* function to find out if any match is found with the user given query
  * and the data base. It returns 1 if match is found, otherwise it returns
  * 0 if no match is found 

  char *p;
  char str[20];
  int retcode = 0;
  int negation = 0,i=0;    

  if(ifg == 0) return 1;  /* returns 1 if user has not given any input      */
                          /* corresponding to attribute 'str1'              */
                          /* ie, no attempt is made to match this attribute */
  while(*str1==' ')str1++;
  while(*str2==' ')str2++;
  memcpy(str, str1, iL);

  i = iL-1; /* trailing spaces or '\n' characters are removed */   while(str[i] == ' ' || str[i]=='\n' ) str[i--]=0;   

  p = strstr(str2, str); /* searches 'str1' anywhere in the string 'str2' */

  if(p) if(*(p-1)=='~') retcode = 0;
  if((p==NULL) && strchr(str2,'~'))retcode = 1;       /* check if negation  */
  if(p) if( *(p-1) != '~') retcode = 1;

  return retcode;

 /* function to read user query line. If no input is given for this attribute
  * set ifg=0, otherwise ifg=1 

void rinput(char *str, int *ifg)
  if(strlen(str) ==0) *ifg = 0;
  else *ifg = 1;

int matchid(char *str1, char *str2, int iL, int ifg) {

  /* function to find if user given ID is found in the database */
  /* return 1 if user is interested for this ID                 */
  /* otherwise return 0.                                        */

  int iL1,i,j, negation=0;
  int id1, id2;
  char str[10], str3[10];

  if(ifg == 0) return 1;
  while(*str1==' ')str1++;
  while(*str2==' ')str2++;
  memcpy(str3, str1, iL);

  sscanf(str3,"%d",&id1); /* convert id into a integer */   j=0;
  iL1 = strlen(str2);
  while(j < iL1)
  j = j + strlen(str);
  while(str[j]==' ')j++;
   negation = 0;

     negation =1; /* set ngation =1 if negation is asked */
     str[0]=' ';  /* mask ~ character if exist           */

  sscanf(str,"%d",&id2); /* id2 is user given id expressed in integer */   if(negation && id1 == id2 ) return 0;
  if(negation && id1 != id2 ) return 1;   if (!negation && id1 == id2 )return 1;   }
 return 0;

/* define global variables */

  int idf,namef,agef,hgtf,wgtf,sexf,eyesf,racef,proff,addrf,crimef;   query *head,*db;
  static int cur = 0;
  int answer_query(void);

void initialize_dbase(void)
  typedef struct ABC
  char id[ID_L+1];
  char name[NAME_L+1];

  char  age[AGE_L+1];
  char  hgt[HGT_L+1];
  char  wgt[WGT_L+1];
  char  sex[SEX_L+1]; 
  char  eyes[EYES_L+1]; 
  char  race[RACE_L+1]; 

  char prof[PROF_L+1];
  char addr[ADDR_L+1];
  char crime[CRIME_L+1];

} PERSON;   PERSON info;
  char dummy[100];
  int count,iP;
  FILE *fp;
  query *temp;   

  /* open the database file */
  if ((fp = fopen("db_file", "r")) == NULL)   {
    printf("initialize_temp: CANNOT OPEN! db_file\n");     exit(1);

  fgets(dummy,100,fp); /* skip the first line of the file which is */
                       /* name of the attributes                   */  
/* printf("size of query = %d\n",sizeof(query));                   */
  while(!feof(fp))    /* main while loop to build the linklist     */
    temp=(query *)calloc(1,sizeof(query));     if(temp == NULL)
      printf("initialize_temp: NO MORE STORAGE AVAILABLE !\n");


    fgets(dummy,100,fp); /* read the entire line upto the new line character */     

    /* copy different fields into the structure 'query'                      */
    memcpy(temp->id, &dummy[iP], ID_L); iP += ID_L;
    memcpy(temp->name, &dummy[iP], NAME_L); iP += NAME_L;
    memcpy(temp->age, &dummy[iP], AGE_L); iP += AGE_L;
    memcpy(temp->hgt, &dummy[iP], HGT_L); iP += HGT_L;
    memcpy(temp->wgt, &dummy[iP], WGT_L); iP += WGT_L;
    memcpy(temp->sex, &dummy[iP], SEX_L); iP += SEX_L;
    memcpy(temp->eyes, &dummy[iP], EYES_L); iP += EYES_L;
    memcpy(temp->race, &dummy[iP], RACE_L); iP += RACE_L;
    memcpy(temp->prof, &dummy[iP], PROF_L); iP += PROF_L;
    memcpy(temp->addr, &dummy[iP], ADDR_L); iP += ADDR_L;
    memcpy(temp->crime, &dummy[iP], CRIME_L);


     if(head == NULL)
       head = temp; /* remember the link head */
       db = temp;
       db->next = temp;  /* store the new node into the link list */
       db = db->next;    /* advance the link pointer              */



int showlist(void)

  /* function to display the entire link list after it has been build from 
   * the database file. it is required only for debugging purpose. 

   struct node *temp;

   temp = head;
   while(temp != NULL)

     printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", temp->id, temp->name, 
            temp->age, temp->hgt, temp->wgt, temp->sex, temp->eyes, 
            temp->race, temp->prof, temp->addr, temp->crime);

          temp = temp->next; /* advance the link pointer */
 return 1;

int answer_queries(void)

 /* function to answer the user query */

  struct node *cur;   

  int notfound = 1;
  char string[200];
  int i,j,nid,nname,nage,nhgt,nwgt,nsex,neyes,nrace,nprof,naddr,ncrime;   char sid[100], sname[100],sage[100], shgt[100],swgt[100], ssex[100];   char seyes[100],srace[100],sprof[100],saddr[100],scrime[100];   

  query *temp;  

  /* read all input from user */

  printf("Enter an id : ");
  rinput(sid, &idf);   

  printf("Enter a name : ");
  rinput(sname, &namef);

  printf("Enter an age : ");
  rinput(sage, &agef);   

  printf("Enter a height : ");
  rinput(shgt, &hgtf);   

  printf("Enter an weight : ");
  rinput(swgt, &wgtf);

  printf("Enter a sex : ");
  rinput(ssex, &sexf);     

  printf("Enter a color of eyes : ");
  rinput(seyes, &eyesf);        

  printf("Enter a race : ");
  rinput(srace, &racef);   

  printf("Enter a profession : ");
  rinput(sprof, &proff);   

  printf("Enter a name of city : ");
  rinput(saddr, &addrf);

  printf("Enter a crime : ");
  rinput(scrime, &crimef);   

  /* end of user input section */

  temp = head;
  while(temp != NULL) /* main while loop for searching the entire */

                       /* linked list to satisfy the user query.   */
      if((matchid(temp->id,sid, ID_L, idf))                  &&   
         (match(temp->name, sname,NAME_L, namef))            &&   
         (match(temp->age, sage, AGE_L,agef))                &&   
         (match(temp->hgt, shgt,HGT_L,hgtf))                 &&   
         (match(temp->wgt, swgt,WGT_L,wgtf))                 &&   
         (match(temp->sex, ssex, SEX_L,sexf))                &&   
         (match(temp->eyes,seyes,EYES_L,eyesf))              &&   
         (match(temp->race, srace,RACE_L,racef))             &&   
         (match(temp->prof, sprof, PROF_L,proff))            &&
         (match(temp->addr, saddr,ADDR_L,addrf))             &&
         (match(temp->crime, scrime, CRIME_L,crimef)) )
      padz(temp->id, ID_L);    /* print the information if query is */
      padz(temp->name, NAME_L);/* is satisfied.                     */
      padz(temp->age, AGE_L);
      padz(temp->hgt, HGT_L);
      padz(temp->wgt, WGT_L); 
      padz(temp->sex, SEX_L);
      padz(temp->eyes, EYES_L);
      padz(temp->race, RACE_L);
      padz(temp->prof, PROF_L);
      padz(temp->addr, ADDR_L);
      padz(temp->crime, CRIME_L);

      notfound = 0;
      temp = temp->next;    

    if(notfound) /* display this message if query is not satisfied       */
      printf("------ query not found ------\n"); 
    return 1;

void main (void)
  int opt;


  for(;;) /* ask user for query repeatedly unless he/she selects to quit. */   {

    printf("1. Answer queries\n"
           "2. Quit\n"
           "PLEASE SELECT A NUMBER: \n");

    switch (opt)

      case  1: answer_queries(); break;
      case  2: exit(1); break;
      default: break;


/********** the end of the prog. **********************/

/************** a data file ***************************/
ID NAME    AGE HGT  WGT SEX EYES  RACE      PROF      ADDR          CRIME      
 1 John    25  6.01 180 M   blue  oriental  plumber   Detroit       murder     
 2 Claude  25  5.11 170 M   green caucasian b.keeper  Houston       rape      
 3 Robert  27  6.01 250 M   hazel oriental  sailer    Los Angelas   hijacking 
 4 Nancy   13  5.04 130 F   blue  caucasian secretary Boston        Homicide  
 5 Ingmar  39  5.07 160 M   black caucasian student   Chicago       rape     
 6 Roberto 31  6.03 220 M   black negro     barber    New York      murder    
 7 Marcel  42  5.01 180 M   green eurasian  actor     New York      hijacking 
 8 Johanna 21  5.05 150 F   blue  eurasian  student   Los Angelas   drug push 
 9 Jurgen  13  5.11 190 M   hazel caucasian actor     Houston       kidnapping
10 Tom     65  6.00 200 M   blue  caucasian mechanic  San Francisco armed rob. 
11 Albert  13  5.09 250 M   black negro     barber    Detroit       rape      
12 Mark    24  5.01 150 M   brown erasian   b.keeper  Los Angelas   murder   
13 Valerie 25  5.08 200 F   hazel caucasian actor     Chicago       armed rob. 
14 George  65  4.01 150 M   green caucasian plumber   San Francisco hijacking 
15 Gary    31  5.10 170 M   black eurasian  sailer    Houston       drug push 
16 Peter   65  5.01 200 M   black oriental  student   New York      hijacking 
17 Rudy    25  6.03 210 M   green caucasian b.keeper  San Francisco homicide  
18 Homer   32  5.09 180 M   black oriental  student   Chicago       murder    
19 Jeff    30  5.11 250 M   black cucasian  plumber   Los Angelas   rape      
20 Julia   24  5.05 150 F   hazel caucasian plumber   Boston        Homicide  
21 Karen   13  5.08 250 F   blue  eurasian  secretary Houston       murder    
22 Steve   29  6.02 190 M   brown oriental  b.keeper  Detroit       kidnapping
23 Gerald  32  4.01 160 M   black cauacsian sailer    Boston        armed rob.
24 Margot  13  5.09 180 F   black negro     secretary Detroit       hijacking 
25 Frank   48  5.10 190 M   hazel eurasian  barber    New York      rape      
26 Laurie  21  5.11 190 F   green caucasian secretary Los Angelas   murder    
27 Donald  26  6.01 220 M   hazel eurasian  plumber   New York      drug push 
28 Adrian  28  5.09 180 M   black caucasian b.keeper  Chicago       murder    
29 Ronald  21  5.10 150 M   brown oriental  sailer    New York      Homicide  
30 Jean    26  5.07 160 F   black negro     student   Detroit       armed rob.
/* the end of the data file * Received on Sun Jun 11 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message