SQL*Net and redundant Networks

From: Sergio Bertolini <sergio_at_zaffiro.sasib.it>
Date: 1995/05/10
Message-ID: <3oprv3$940_at_zaffiro.sasib.it>#1/1

We have a redundant configuration like this :  


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  [Server]                [Client] 

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i.e a server and a client machine which both have 2 ethernet board facing two different TCP/IP networks ( for redundancy ).

On the server we have the Oracle Server (7.0) with its SQL*Net V2 listener and we would like it could be accessible by the client machine, which has just clients compiled with libsqlnet, from both sides, or better , when a network is down we would like the server still be reached by the other side.

Any hint on how it can be managed ?

Thanks in advance.

         _/                        _/                          _/
        _/ _/_/_/_/      _/_/_/   _/ Tel. +39 (0)51 529.471   _/
       _/ _/      _/  _/      _/ _/ E-Mail: sergio_at_sasib.it  _/
      _/ _/      _/  _/         _/                          _/
     _/ _/_/_/_/      _/_/_/   _/ Address:                 _/
    _/ _/      _/          _/ _/ SASIB RAILWAY S.p.A.     _/
   _/ _/      _/  _/      _/ _/ Via di Corticella, 87-89 _/
  _/ _/_/_/_/      _/_/_/   _/ 40128 Bologna Italy      _/
 _/                        _/                          _/
_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Received on Wed May 10 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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