Help! SQL*Net crashes with Visual Basic

From: Keith Thompson <>
Date: 1995/05/08
Message-ID: <3om33q$>#1/1

We are getting GPF's in SQL*Net DLLs in the following situation.

Client environment:

	MS-Windows 3.1
	Visual Basic 3.0
	Oracle ODBC driver 1.0.11
	SQL*Net for Windows 2.0.15 (TCP/IP)

Server environment
	SQL*Net 2.1 (TCP/IP)
	SCO Unix (Pentium)

Our application is a suite of about 10 VB programs, several of which use VB timers to do automatic refreshes from the database. Each program maintains its own database connection. When more than one of these programs is run at the same time on one machine, a GPF will occur in ORA71WIN.DLL after about 20 or 30 minutes.

We've tried everything we can think of. We thought it may have something to do with the programs trying to do refreshes at or near the same time, so put code in them to ensure only one program accesses the database at a time - no improvement.

Oracle tech support has been of very limited help. Any solutions, ideas, or comments would be gratefully received. TIA

Keith Thompson
Working, but not speaking for, Sierra Systems Consultants Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Received on Mon May 08 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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