Re: Personal Oracle7 (SQL*Plus Editor)

From: Mike Megan <>
Date: 1995/05/01
Message-ID: <>#1/1

In article <3n3tlp$>, (Chuck Hamilton) says:
>In <> (Mike Megan)

>>None of these work.
>>I would be grateful for any suggestions
>>Thanking you in advance,
>I've had similar problems connecting SQLPLUS for Windows to a remote
>database server. It seems to work fine the first time, but afterwards
>always creates a DOS shell immediately terminates on subsequent EDITs.

This is precicely what happens in my case. Judgeing from earlier responses to this question, it would seem to be O.K. in most installations. I think the problem is due to something in my Windows setup.

>What I do to get around it is to keep a notepad window open and enter
>all my SQL commands into that. Then copy and paste to SQLPLUS.
> ><> Chuck <><

My workaround is to invoke the editor useing the shell feature i.e.:

"$notepad <filename.sql>"

Mike Megan Received on Mon May 01 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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