HELP: Web-Oracle-Web (WOW) installation

From: Boone Teh <>
Date: 25 Mar 1995 18:51:10 GMT
Message-ID: <3l1omu$>

Web + oracle users,

   Is anyone out there has successfully installed the wow
(web-oracle-web on irix operating
system? the source code provided is for unix sun4 and sun5, some tweaking and modification of the source code are necessary in order to have wow installed in different system.

   I have been trying to install it into a irix 5 here but do not have any luck yet.

   I would appreciate if any web/oracle wizard out there could enlighten me with little hints; or just want to have some exchange of interest on this.

   Thanks you in advance. Please reply to


        Wei-Boon Boone Teh        | Text mail:
Campus Computing; Heinkel #207;   |  C579283_at_MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU
Industrial Eng. Department #8;    | Binary mail:
       University of Missouri     |
          at Columbia             | World Wide Wed (WWW) accessible home-page
            (U.S.A)               |
   TEL:(314) 442-7695 (H)         |      /c579283_www
   TEL:(314) 882-2000 (O)         |
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Received on Sat Mar 25 1995 - 19:51:10 CET

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