ORA-01157; Missing Datafile

From: Greg Tupper <gtupper_at_monkfish.nosc.mil>
Date: 11 Feb 1995 00:17:00 GMT
Message-ID: <3hgvlu$ehq_at_pandora.sdsu.edu>

Recently a site I am working with either took a disk hit or had a newbie with dba access remove one of the datafiles for the database. The data in the file in unimportant, as I can recreate all the indexes that were once there.

How do I remove the reference to this file so that oracle will start up?

For reference purposes I am getting

ORA_01157: Cannot identify datafile 12: -file not found ORA-01110: DAta file 12; "/h/. . ."

The answer is not in the FAQ and not readily available in the DOC that I have.


Greg.. Received on Sat Feb 11 1995 - 01:17:00 CET

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