Re: Stored procedures ignore grants

From: Tonyg246 <>
Date: 2 Jan 1995 21:11:57 -0500
Message-ID: <3eabpd$>

i have run into this dsame problem in 7.0.15 and was told it would be fixed in a future release. Since you're still getting it at 7.1 it is still lingering.

A brief descriuption of how I've dealt with the problem: 1. All DB objects in the test and prod instances are in a single schema
(called 'MASTER').

2. Only the DBA compiles stored procs in test and prod. This is usually a

            'one-time' event when the proc moves from dev to test or test to prod.
3. The test and dev environments happen to be in the same instance. If a

   developer wants to modify a stored proc he can do one of two things:

  1. Copy the structure (not necessarily the data) from the test 'MASTER' schema into his own development schema (i.e. his personal user account). Since he then owns the objects he needs no privileges granted. Once the proc is recompiled and debugged, move it back into test or prod.
  2. Do what you already figured out - grant explicit privileges.

The 'bug' is inconvenient but it is more of an issue in the dev/test process than production (my experience/opinion...I suppose it depends on how you have architected your environments).

Don't look for Oracle to change this situation in the near future. From what I have gathered, it isn't enough of a 'show stopper' to warrant development time for a 'fix'.
(again, my opinion).

Hope that helps.. Received on Tue Jan 03 1995 - 03:11:57 CET

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