Re: Gupta vs Forms 4.0

From: Alvar1 <>
Date: 2 Jan 1995 13:21:20 -0500
Message-ID: <3e9g70$>

Colipha> Date: 20 Dec 1994 03:09:12 GMT
Colipha> Our shop is about to make its first venture into
Colipha> client/server. (Wish us luck.) We looked a several tools that
Colipha> were: 1. Heavily used - so we could find help easily 2.
Colipha> Resonably priced and a bunch of other factors The choice came
Colipha> down to Gupta and Forms 4.0. Any comments? Any horror stories?
Colipha> We are leaning toward Gupta.

We have been working in Forms 4.0 since its inception and have used Gupta to do a small application into the same database. While it seems that Gupta initially went faster and created prettier screens, certainly Forms is a better product for our shop. I don't do the work, and can't talk about it from a programmers perspective, but we get more actually delivered on Forms. I figure since we are working with an Oracle database, we have been able to access and integrate more features of Oracle with Forms.

I would have on ceveat, if you run a true Object Oriented distributed Programming environment, Gupta just has better tools for such a group. For our group that would mean a person who was central and administrated all the objects and established the structure and libraries, with others drawing from the library. Sounds really nice when you get the demo, but I have found it ellusive in a real environment. The project of analysing and establishing an object oriented library is large in itself. I think that OOP is a natural for a single person, but very hard for a group.

Also obviously, if you are going to be working with different brands of database engines than Oracle, Gupta offers connection for those. Received on Mon Jan 02 1995 - 19:21:20 CET

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