cursors on client

From: S H CHUA <>
Date: 27 Dec 1994 12:23:58 GMT
Message-ID: <3dp10u$>

I have some questions on the use of cursors in a client-server environment. I am running forms 4 on hp9000(server) and 486 pc(client). Suppose I have a program unit in my Form that uses a cursor as follows:


    cursor C1 is select ...........


    open C1
    exit when C1%NOTFOUND
   . .......
   end loop

  1. At which statement does the system retrieve the records which meet the select criteria from the database ( ie at the fetch, open or declare or ....)?
  2. Are all records in the cursor selected all together or are the records selected one at a time?
  3. After retrieving the records from the database on the server, are they placed in the client(pc's memory) or are they manipulated in the server's memory?

Any help is appreciated.        Received on Tue Dec 27 1994 - 13:23:58 CET

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