Re: ProC code to solve the following...

From: John Morgan <John_Morgan_at_OIT.PeachNet.EDU>
Date: 4 Nov 1994 21:19:48 GMT
Message-ID: <39e8hk$3ta_at_news-feed-1.PeachNet.EDU>

In article <39dqbo$> David Robert Dymm, writes:
>An account consists of N number of tables. N is not known at compile
>time, but is the total number of tables in the account. The number,
>and datatypes of the columns for each table are also not known at
>compile time. In a loop, for every table, fetch the table name,
>number of columns in the table, name of each column, and each
>column's data type. Also fetch every row in each table.

Yes you can- use the view COLS to get the names of each column. It also contains the table name. You can use this to PREPARE a statement in Pro-C to get the rows. Received on Fri Nov 04 1994 - 22:19:48 CET

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